Omni Catamaran trash skimmer boat

Omni Catamaran to help skim trash and debris from the Chesapeake Bay

Elastec’s Omni Catamaran, an innovative trash-skimming boat, will be navigating the waters of Norfolk and Portsmouth with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) during their 30th annual Clean the Bay Day the morning of Saturday, June 2, 2018. Elastec is bringing the Omni Catamaran to clean up trash, debris, and litter in the waters of Hampton Roads.

A group of Virginians concerned about litter coordinated the first Clean the Bay Day in 1989. It has grown into an unparalleled cleanup event in which volunteers remove trash from land and waterways at hundreds of sites across the state. Last year, about 6,000 volunteers participated in Clean the Bay Day, on foot and in boats removing approximately 100,000 pounds of litter and debris along 450 miles of shoreline. Since 1989 Clean the Bay Day volunteers have removed more than 6.5 million pounds of debris from beaches, shorelines, and state and local parks.

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